Thursday, September 11, 2008

Back To School....

Here we are, wrapping up the end of a 2nd week back at school. My son's new teacher came up to me on Monday before the dismissal bell rang. My initial reaction was to prepare myself to listen to an account of a difficult moment for my son, at some point during the day. Instead, with a huge smile, she wanted to let me know that he had already exceeded his reading goal for the year! His teacher was so proud and happy for him, her joy so genuine! These are the moments he workes so hard toward. It is also these little successes that make all of it worthwhile as a parent.

1 comment:

  1. I always fear for the worse so when you get moments where they say the great things it makes things so much better. I always hope that teachers realize that they need to make an effort to tell the parents the accomplishments not just the negative. You should definately be proud of his accomplishments because I know you were a huge part of them.
