Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Why "Spock?"

Because I saw a t-shirt that read "Spock is not a Vulcan.  He is an Autist with pointy ears."

I loved that.  Any Star Trek geek worth their salt, knows of Spock and his internal struggles with his Human and Vulcan side.  Which is his true nature? Which does he deny? Ultimately, in the most recent Star Trek movie, we get a suggestion that Spock is attempting to make peace with both sides and harness the strengths of each.

Being Vulcan is not being emotionless, neither is being Autistic.  What it symbolizes, is the struggle to navigate a world you don't quite fit into but are a part of.

Lastly, as I've said before...I'll take the humorous over the sadness.  I would rather laugh, than to cry - to have hope over despair. long and prosper.

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