Thursday, January 27, 2011

"I Got A 96!!"

This was the exclamation from my son, as he barreled into the house - in his typical, drop crap in a bread crumb trail style. I didn't even get a chance to ask him in what subject, before he told me it was in science. Am I surprised? No. Am I thrilled? YES! That he does so well in his other subjects, makes it a bit easier to deal with our concerns over his struggles with math.

See, its not that he can't get the math. The frustrating thing, is that he doesn't get the TIME to get the math. No sooner than he starts to grasp a concept, than its off to the next. We are scrambling with a way to give him that additional support at home. He also doesn't have a math book. WTF? Seriously? One of the hardest subjects in school and you don't have a frigging text book for it?

So, as in elementary school - I'm going to have to ask that he have step by step examples of what is being taught, sent home on copies. Once he grasps the concept, its in his head - he's not stupid. Or slow. He just needs to approach math, in a roundabout way.

After many kid's come home and ask your thoughts on "taxation without representation," and can explain why that's a bad thing?

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