Friday, November 14, 2008

New Dr. On Grey's Anatomy Is An Aspie?

I will be very interested in following this particular story arc. I'll be posting my reactions after the 3 episode story arc finishes.

In the meantime:

An aspie is one who has Asperger's Syndrome, which is believed to be part of the autism spectrum. Aspies, while being quite gifted verbally, have social, emotional, and sensory integration difficulties, among others. Aspie is an affectionate term, and is not meant as a put down

12am - Some quick initial reactions.

My son couldn't be more opposite in personality from the character of Dr. Dixon. Unlike Dr. Dixon...he is very outgoing socially, talkative and friendly. The character of Temperance Brennan on "Bones" could very well be a portrayal of an independent, highly successful adult with Aspergers...but even then, he doesn't quite fit that portrayal either. Goes to show, what how broad the spectrum really can't nail down an exact portrayal of an individual with Aspergers. At best, you can only give an outline - the details of which are filled in by that individual and not by others.

Similarities? While he doesn't cling as rigidly as Dixon's character does to "Rules," he does rely on a clear definition of rules to navigate the course of his day/week/etc. That doesn't stop him from lying, omitting or fudging the facts if he thinks he's about to get busted for something. :-) He certainly has intense interests - "fixate" (but I am attempting to focus on the postive in regards to this).  We also encourage him to explore these interests (medieval history in particular) and are gradually expanding his reading material on the subject, as much as we can find that is geared toward his age level.

1 comment:

  1. He has now branched out into American history, particularly the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. Looks like I'm off to the bookstore soon!
