Thursday, April 23, 2009

Jim Carey...A List Celebrity

and Summa Cume Laude graduate of Google U posted this article at Huff-Po the other day.

and the marvelous rebuttle over at Respectful Insolence:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Susan Boyle...I love you!

I just watched the You Tube clip of her amazing...amazing isn't the right word...I can't think of the right word...performance on Britain's Got Talent.  I was floored.  I was moved and brought to tears.

I found her story on the blog Crunchy Con and clicked on the link about her backstory:

If I thought I was moved to tears before, it was nothing till I read about her childhood.  Growing up with a learning disability, she found something that she excelled at and ran with it.  Susan Boyle had a dream that she never gave up on in her 47 years.

I look forward to seeing my son's dreams come true as well.  Thank you Susan Boyle, from the bottom of my heart.  You are a true hero.

Monday, April 6, 2009

My Son Sleeping...

Fluffy cat sleeping on his back.

Happily buried under a handmade quilt and his two favorite fleecy blankets.

His blue glitter mini plug-in lava lamp night light is glowing.

Dominoes scattered across the floor.

His favorite books surround him on the bed.

He's sleeping on his tummy, one hand under his pillow and the other curled up against his chest.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Good Article From Huff Post

Thought I'd share...

What I'm Aware Of...

to kick off Autism Awareness month, I have a few thoughts:

1. We are only just beginning to discover what causes Autism.

2. My son is not damaged.

3. I'd rather laugh, than cry.

4. Autism is truly a spectrum, no two children are the same in their diagnosis.

5. I've found new levels of well as new things that tick me off LOL.

6. Its even more important to raise expectations for a Autistic child, than it is for a neuro-typical one.

7.  On the flip side of that, I have to remember to give myself a break in my own self expectations as a parent.

8.  My son is beautiful, amazing and perfect just as he is.

9.  If I knew then what I know now, I still would not hesitate to vaccinate him.

10.  That Kirby and Wakefield should have to answer for the harm they've caused.